EveryWhere and EveryBody Gardens archives



Changing standing weekly Everywhere Gardens meeting to Wed 3-5

HUMANs, Stephanie Rearick
- 15/08/2023 21:26:02

hi there

in order to consolidate our meetings: Starting NEXT WEEK 8.23 we'll now hold our weekly Everywhere Gardens meetup at the same time as our garden swap and the Healthy Food for All giveaway, behind SJC every Wednesday 3-5.

For this week - are any of you available to hang out tomorrow during the food giveaway in case anyone wants to swap stuff from their gardens? If not, we won't worry about it and people who show up can just take food from HF4A.

People will be gardening at Esty's house on the Northside Friday 8.18 at 10am. Contact Lisa if you need a ride or have questions. Email preferred lisanunez50@gmail.com

Our other regular Friday weekly meetings (HOME economics and Dream Time) will only be on zoom this week, as we don't have local facilitators around this week.

Hope to see you soon!
