Health + Care network archives


Health and Care network coming soon!

HUMANs, Stephanie Rearick
- 17/12/2023 00:15:11

We have a plan to revive something like the Wellness Project we used to have in the timebank.
What we'll do to start - Beginning with the Feb. 23, 5-7pm potluck, we'll host a healthy meal and a wellness-oriented skillshare
Feb. 23 topic is Cooking Food with Flavor, not Sugar, with host Saswati.

We'll organize a series of different learning sessions, establish our group and our aims and plans, and then aim to explore partnering with Willy St Coop to begin hosting at their new community site Aubergine.

More to come but I wanted to get the ball rolling and share a message with everyone who's been looking to create a more robust health and care network.

We'll be taking a little break over holidays but feel free to join the HUMANs Solidarity Summit online tomorrow 11-2, and stay in touch over email or however you like, and we'll be back to regular meetups the first week of January.

You can find all the info on these things at
Take care and happy holidays and non-holidays too
