EveryWhere and EveryBody Gardens mailing list archives



Meet at 4 at SJC or zoom, rain or shine

HUMANs, Stephanie Rearick
- 06/12/2023 20:34:36

hi there!

Hope you're all doing well. There's some rain in the forecast for tomorrow afternoon, but who knows? Maybe we'll get to garden, maybe not.

Either way we're going to make a habit of meeting each Tue at 4 at SJC and on zoom, so we can group up about our gardening needs and schedule.

Here's the zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7433558070?pwd=NThPTUxxaDZEU2RLZVgvU2wwU1JIUT09

And if it's nice out, we're outside SJC (1202 Williamson), if it's not, we're inside. you'll be able to use madman as a key code if the door is locked for the day, or just knock. It'll often be unlocked anyway. We'll be in the conference room or up in the front workspace area.

Hope to see you on garden days!

Ps we need offers for carpooling, plus phoning and texting non-email-users. Any offerers?
pps my email is broken momentarily, but I should get messages through this channel