EveryWhere and EveryBody Gardens mailing list archives



Re: Gardens at SJC and zoom at 4, then what... you decide :)

Iz Dorval
- 06/13/2023 20:51:45
Hey guys, I'm probably not going to able to make it. I was hoping to be there in person, but I rent a parking space that's a bit of a walk from where I live and the leasing agency decided to lease out another spot that blocks me in. So now I can't get out and I have to deal with this. 🙃

I might be able to make it to the zoom a bit later depending what happens with this? Regardless let me know if there are any gardening things this week to do, if I manage to get my car free I'll definitely try to make it!

- Iz

On Tue, Jun 13, 2023, 1:43 PM Stephanie Rearick <steph@stephanierearick.com> wrote:

hi there

I'll be at SJC at 4 (3 actually, for communications in case you want to join a work session) with rhubarb coffeecake.

we'll meet to plan - and then it's up to the gardeners whether we go work after that, or if you want to schedule for better weather.

IF gardening happens I can drive people and help until I need to leave for a 6pm meeting - Bill, that can include picking you up or having someone else pick you up.

Artist, other hands-on gardeners - do you know yet if you want to do anything today or not? Otherwise I'll expect it to be decided at the 4pm meeting.

plus, rhubarb cake, yum....

see you soon, here's the zoom link if you're joining that way: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7433558070?pwd=NThPTUxxaDZEU2RLZVgvU2wwU1JIUT09

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