EveryWhere and EveryBody Gardens mailing list archives



Re: MAN EveryWhere Gardens work schedule for 6/13-6/20

by "Bill Zimmerman" <zimmermanbillr@gmail.com> - 06/19/2023 15:43:34
Hello Garden Group!

I'm a new member and want to join the West side Gardening site but I have appts til 4PM on Tuesdays. I can bus close to the site but not all the way and am wondering if someone could pick me up and drop me off at a nearby bus stop.  The bus stop is right by the McDonald's on Allied Dr and I'd arrive there at 4:35PM and need to catch a bus by 6:35PM.  Thank you for your help and I'll try to help the gardens grow!  Bye, Bill R Zimmerman 

On Tue, Jun 13, 2023, 5:53 PM Stephanie Rearick <steph@stephanierearick.com> wrote:

Hi all!

We'll have a work day at Cindy's house, 2018 Seminole Hwy, this Friday 6/16 at 9am. Reply to this email if you want to carpool, and from where. Tasks will include digging, planting, moving stuff.

Kacy and anyone else, if you still have plants available or have things you'd like planted in Cindy's soil, please reply so we can arrange to get the plants there.

Esty, if you have work you'd like to request at your place before Tuesday, please let us know.

Any other opportunities, offers, or needs you'd (any of you) like to share with this group?

If not, see some of you Friday at 9, and we'll group up next Tuesday at SJC at 4 again.


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