HUMAN Communications mailing list archives


communications work group today at 3 - starts with posting party

HUMANs, Stephanie Rearick
- 03/05/2024 19:05:33

hope you're all good. We meet at 3pmCST at our link here (click the green join button!)

and it starts with a

3pm Posting party! This is a good learning opportunity for all of us, as well as a chance to spread our own news far and wide.

then (after 1/2 hour, maybe less?) on to:

Solidarity Summit March 16-17

- program
- goals
- review current proposed agenda <>
- outreach

3:30pm Madison MAN/HUMANs overlap

- June summit
- regional gatherings?
- progressive gatherings?
- simultaneous local gatherings?
- none of the above?

Madison MAN

- AARP application finalization
- grants meeting
- Street team
- Events
- Sharefest/reunion

hope some of you can make it. I'll also be at SJC in case you're nearby and want to come in person. offering a 4pm orientation so will shift gears then if people show up for it, only really expecting 1 or 2 if any.
