Madison MAN Board mailing list archives


Madison MAN Board agenda wed 8/16, 12-1:30pm

HUMANs, Stephanie Rearick
- 08/14/2023 16:38:23

8.16.23 Madison MAN Board meeting - notes here

Finalize member agreement vote! RK, LN, SR YES. BK note - 1.25 v. 1.15 (SR the difference is only in the notation, either way it refers to 1.25 hours, or 1:15 - the gist is in rounding up to the nearest quarter-hour). Need JV vote


Need to raise $2-5K for this year

Need to raise at least $15K for next year or cut paid staffing time

$ secured for next year is $11K for HRJ

Updates -

New peace circle,

Everywhere Gardens

Common Good improving interface

Upcoming events

Potluck Aug 25 5-7

Solidarity Summit Sept 16-17

Sept. 29-30 gallery event

October 21 Sharpest and annual meeting + board election (will invite community RJ participants to attend and also to offer workshops or shares if they like)

Recruit sharers

Recruit board candidates

Communications -

Podcasting - we need your stories! Video at any MAN activities please

Schedule audience-specific workshops

Mutual aid for organizations - including marketplace and tech tools

Business tools
Next steps