Peace Practice mailing list archives


Peace Practice tonight 6:30-7:30 Zeier Shelter, and more

HUMANs, Stephanie Rearick
- 04/11/2024 21:35:20

hi there

I'm just writing to remind you that we have Peace Practice tonight and each Thur 6:30-7:30 at the East shelter 2002 Zeier Rd., and you're welcome.

We also hold one each Monday 4-5pm at OM Tiny Houses 1901 Aberg.

Last and not least, we'll be relaunching at the Social Justice Center and welcome your suggestions for when we do it. Mon, Tue, and Wed evenings can be options, or weekend afternoons or lunch-times or late afternoons on weekdays. Who wants to participate and what works for you? We'll start surveying SJC tenants and neighbors about it too.

Thanks, and peace out :)