Clustering by interest area and geography
Location: tbd - 12/16/23, 5:00 PM - 12/16/23, 7:00 PM (UTC) (2 hours)

Clustering by interest area and geography
Stephanie Rearick Coodinator  at HUMANs +1 608 443-8229

Stephanie is President of the HUMANs global network, and is facilitating the process for this session.

Want to stay in contact with other people doing mutual aid supported work in your community of place or practice? Join us for this thread!

Saturday 12/16

10am CST - we'll get together in person for breakfast at our local hub, and encourage you to do the same! The rest of the sessions are all online, look here for the link.

10:30-11am CST getting to know you - this will be a casual introduction and chat session where everyone is invited to say hello.

11-1pm CST  clustering our flocks - We'll give an overview of the HUMANs network and the summit itself, then we'll focus on clustering our flocks. We'll gather in breakout rooms by geography during our first hour, take a fun break, then spend the rest of the time clustering by interest area. Some likely topics include Community Justice, Timebanking, Health + Care, and you can add topics.

1-3pm CST  we'll go offline and host an in-person reception at our local hub, and invite you to do the same.

3-4pm CST   Online karaoke with Marilyn Lamer!

More Details

Sunday 12/17


11am-1pm CST -Technicollab Dreams   We'll show our current tech collaborations (HOME, VF, Credit Commons, Murmurations), and invite participants to share information, inspiration, and potential further collaborations. We expect to find concrete action steps that we'll follow through with to create a high-functioning cooperative tech ecosystem.

1-2pm CST The Grand Finale: Recap of the summit, the visible heart of the truly free market, HUMANs annual meeting and Board election

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